
Course in Sea Malay Massage, the Indonesian massage course.

Indonesian massage course, the course to discover the techniques and secrets of the Sea Malay massage.

Sea Malay massage is an ancient ritual practiced in Indonesia. It is an ancient art, it is used as a rite of passage from childhood to puberty. According to legend, it was call the "Massage of the Queens". It is a massage of the heart, with simple theoretical structures, played mostly on the energy plain and created with the aim to activate the three chakras that come into play in the dynamics of interpersonal and effective relationship: the second chakra (sensuality), fourth (unconditional love) and seventh (spiritual love). The Sea Malay massage is a ritual with precise bodily results.  It presents differently from others normally used by Western geometric techniques of massage therapy, with a strong hypnotic character, vibratory movements, gentle rocking phases, and long arm techniques. Indonesian massage works mainly in the prone position, and includes delicate treatment on the face and head.

To learn all the techniques and secrets of the ancient art of Indonesian massage, our vocational school organized a Bali course in Sea Malay massage for new students and professionals with already strong skills in massage therapy. The course is aimed at all wishing to approach this area for the first time.

Fill out the contact form and request further information on the course in Sea Malay massage.